Meet Patricia Miternique, packaging operator! Alternative - more formal: We're pleased to introduce you to Patricia...

Patricia Miternique

Can you introduce yourself in a few words? 

My name is Patricia Miternique, I'm 60 years old, and I've been working for Opinel since 2003. 

What's your background? 

I first worked for cleaning companies and in various industries. 

After that, I did a year's temp work at Opinel and was taken on full-time, which was fantastic news! 

I started my adventure at Opinel in the assembly workshop and now work in packaging. 

Can you tell us what your job entails? 

Since 2014, I've been working at a station where I pack all the knives made in the assembly plant. In other words, I wrap the products in their packaging.

What do you like best about this job? 

I like that my job's diverse, plus the wide range of knives and packaging. 

If you had to describe your profession in just three words, what would you say? 

Dexterity, versatility and mutual support. 

What values would you say the company has? 

Recognition and respect for human beings. 

Which is your favourite Opinel knife? 

The N°08 Olive Wood.