On the occasion of Opinel anniversary, Rachel Zoller answered some questions about the brand.


RACHEL ZOLLER, Founder of Mushroom Foraging and Education

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?

I am a mushroom forager and outdoor educator.

What is your first Opinel memory?

Mushroom foraging brought me to Opinel. I have a specific memory of someone asking if I had an Opinel mushroom knife, then passionately telling the story of their family using and gifting Opinel knives for three generations. I have since become part of this family, sharing in the tradition of using and passing along Opinel knives to others.

Many think Opinel is synonymous with expertise and something to be passed on. What values does Opinel convey to you?

Opinel values combining quality craftsmanship with accessibility. They see the value in creating timeless pieces and tools that can work hard everyday.

If you could only choose one Opinel, which would it be?

The Mushroom Knife (okay, if I had to choose another it would be the Nº118 Multi-Purpose Parallele Chef’s Knife, I love it for helping prep all the wild mushroom meals).

Opinel in three words?

Classic, effective, excellence.

Photo credit : LondonFog_mt