Meet Lucas Caglioni, Executive Chef at Alain Ducasse's cookery school.

Luca Caglioni

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?


I'm Luca, Executive Chef at Alain Ducasse's cookery school. 

Can you tell us a bit about your background? 


I graduated from a hotel school in Italy, and was trained by the chefs Preud'homme and Patrick Laurent, who are members of "Cuisiniers Français". 

In 2006, I joined the kitchen team at the Hotel Lotti in Paris. 

I then worked alongside the chef Alain Cirelli at Purgatoire-54 Paradis, before becoming a chef trainer at the École Ducasse campus in Meudon. 

I'm now the Executive Chef at Paris Studio. 

Where does your passion for cooking come from?

All my fondest childhood memories are of family meals or gastronomic discoveries. Cooking has always been a big part of my life! 

What are the plans for this year at the École Ducasse - Paris Studio? 

Two kitchens are getting a facelift this year: the Truffle and Olive kitchens, in order to enhance our clients' experience and offer modern, friendly spaces. 

We also launch new courses every year, in response to new trends. For example, in 2024, you'll find courses on 100% vegan batch-cooking. 

What made you want to partner up with us? 

Opinel knives are invaluable utensils for our school.

Passing on our know-how is much easier when you have the right tools. 

Do you have any memories involving Opinel? 

Yes, the pocket knives that we always took on our mountain hikes. They'll forever remain engraved in our memories! 

What is your favourite Opinel knife for cooking? 

The santoku! It's both versatile and strong.